Tune into this week’s episode where Richard talks about how you need to expand your mindset in business in order to create a new reality for your business.
Often in business we’re looking towards the future; but you have to figure out if you have set up the mindset and made the right turns in business in order to make theses changes.
To do something you haven’t done before in your business, you have to make sure there’s more flexibility in your mindset. You have to change your reality of thinking and change your perspective on something or how you do things.
“How do you unblock your stubbornness?”
You have to set up to change your reality. You need to re-educate in a new atmosphere of thinking, learn new ideas and new concepts. You also need to hang around different people who challenge you to expand your mindset and think of new ways to do things. Lastly, you need to adjust the language you use in your business, you’ll see how your clients respond to the change.
So this week I challenge you to expand your mindset and thinking, see how it helps you make changes in your business.
Download the podcast to listen to Quick Wins on your iPhone.
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