You have set up your social media, you have paid for your Facebook ads, and now you go through the waiting game of gaining leads. But the real aspect you should be focusing on is generating quality leads. Today we have Richard Toutounji, CEO, and Founder of COM Marketing, in the gym talking about how to transform those leads into quality leads.
You need to build a community which people want to come back to. By having a community, people will feel safe and want to come back. People are like the domino effect and when one person says their session was great or they are getting results, their friends will follow. Referrals are the best source of marketing and it does not cost a cent. You will not have to spend more money on generating new leads when you have them in your reach.
The main thing is to give them great service when they walk into their session and when they walk out of their session. Amazing service will bring you permanent clients and those permanent clients will refer to new clients in addition to the leads you are generating from your social and digital media platforms. People do not remember the good they remember the great and if you provide a great session, you will have full training sessions. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more quick wins!