Learn the Essentials of Marketing for Your Fitness Business

Discover how to market your superpower and get paid for it

Want to discover your studio’s biggest advantage and attract 10x more leads than ever before?

The reason most studios fail is that they are following all the trends, trends from other fitness marketing agency, watching their competitors, and copying what everyone else is doing without understanding what their own position of strength is.

Your leads and prospects don’t need another copycat studio. They need the uniqueness that you bring that gets them the results they are looking for.

Marketing Essentials is our foundation course that will help you discover that uniqueness and use it in your fitness studio marketing to attract the right people into your studio and become dominant in fitness industry marketing.

Imagine if…

That’s exactly how you’ll feel once you find your position of power through the Marketing Essentials Course.

4 Powerhouse Modules, Over 5 Hours Of Premium Content

The person in the best position will always be the one who wins the clients. Stop hiding away, hoping your clients will find you or worse, copying every competitor out there.

It’s time to play from your position of power, find your uniqueness and start to attract the right kind of clients into your studio.

You Will Learn:

  • How to get Paid What You’re Worth
  • How to get ahead of your competitors
  • How to find your uniqueness.

Having the best gym and all the right qualifications gets you nowhere if it stays empty. In this module you’ll learn how to identify our best clients – you know those ones who pay on time, follow your directions and get the results.

Once you have an idea of who they are we’ll talk about where to find them and how to attract them to your studio like a magnet!

You Will Learn:

  • How to discover your perfect avatar

  • How to avoid wasting time talking to the wrong people

  • How to communicate so you’re people listen

It’s time to pull out the personality card and start marketing! You’ve got the right targeting and developed the right message – now let’s pull it altogether with your manifesto.

Your manifesto is your stake in the ground, your message to the world – and it’s time to get it out to the world so you’re people start to see it.

You Will Learn:

  • How to create your vision & mission statements
  • How to determine the values your studio lives by
  • How to craft a manifesto that inspires people

Here’s where it gets exciting! Now we’re ready to take all the foundations we’ve built and craft a funnel that pulls in your perfect avatar, creates raving fans and attracts members to your studio. 

Discover why you need a marketing funnel for your studio that walks people through a specific set of steps to become members, rather than just throwing out posts here and there and hoping people will bite.

You Will Learn: 

  • How to segment your prospects and send the right messages at the right times

  • Provide better support to the clients who need it most

  • How to stop selling and instead invite clients to work with you with ease

What people say about the Marketing Essentials Course

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