Stop Posting On Social Media

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When it comes to knowing which part of the business to focus on, most fitness biz owners make the mistake of making social media a priority. It’s one of the things you need to work on in your business, yes, but you shouldn’t give it too much attention. If you do, you take away valuable time that should be spent on working on tasks that can grow your business.

Instead, you should focus on processes that work long-term and can consistently generate leads for your business. Focus on your sales process, see to it that every step of your sales funnel works. Here are things you can do to have a better conversion rate:

  • Find out what your best source for traffic is
  • Take time to improve your hook and offer that can get people to take raise their hands and take immediate action.
  • Ask your current clients what they love about working with you and use that information to talk to your target audience.

Do this before marketing your next opt-in, trial session or challenge. It’s no use marketing your services when your sales process is half-baked. When you improve your sales process, you convert more leads.


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